How do you slowly exhale
Put clips on your nose.Focus on this intention and be conscious of what you're doing.Before holding your breath, inhale and exhale slowly from deep within your diaphragm.Start by placing two standard charcoal briquettes inside your grill.This approach is useful if you find that you have difficulty moving past a certain length of exhalation.
Start to slow down your breath, deep inhales and slow exhales as you slow down your breath, start to extend your exhale to twice as long as your inhale.Another way to develop a longer exhalation is to first lengthen the pause after you exhale.Exhale slowly and steadily until you hear a beep or a light comes on.Try putting your hands on the sides of your ribs and gently pushing your ribs down and in a tiny bit as you exhale and then let them spring open for your inhale.Breathe in deeply for a second, then exhale slowly through both nostrils while constricting some of the breath in the back of your throat, as if you were ready to speak a secret.
A purposeful exhalation requires a gentle pressure.1) finish a breath with an exhale and relax into a pause 2) pay attention to any sensations while pausing 3) slowly inhale and pay attention to the air entering your nostrils would love to get some feedback if you try this during your practice.