Are dogs natural selection or artificial selection
Artificial selection provides a model that helps us understand natural selection.Whereas it is an artificial process and so it takes less time to complete, selection of characters is done artificially hence chances of surviving new breed is at risk whether it is a plant, or animals or any other organism.During artificial selection, breeders use selective mating to promote traits that are desirable to humans.Explore evolution obscures this in two ways.This may have occurred as early as 130,000 years ago evolution of the dog.
An example of a selection is a cat chosen from a litter of kittens.Just like us, dogs inherit genetic information from their doggie dad and mom.The answer is in the doggie dna.In the field of biology, artificial selection covers a whole host of subtopics.There is some evidence that first grey wolves were domesticated and the various dog breeds are a result of artificial selection.
Around 30,000 to 40,000 years ago, humans began domesticating wolves.Artificial selection on domestic dogs.It is a small step to go from humans selecting desirable traits in plants and animals to envisioning natural conditions acting selectively on populations and causing natural changes, especially over geological timescales.Since they are a single species, they can mate and have viable offspring.