How do Norwegians celebrate summer solstice
Queen sonja of norway's birthday is a flag day, when the norwegian flag is flown on all flag poles.Traditionally, the summer solstice is used to celebrate light, renewal, and the future harvest abundance to come.The summer solstice is the longest day and the shortest night of the year.The full jul period is made up of five phases:Johner images maypole dancing during midsummer.
The summer solstice marks the sun's journey back to the dark night.Following this solstice, the days get shorter, the nights longer.This event focuses on summer solstice traditions from the first nations people.The ancient greeks celebrated it with a festival called litha, which was observed on june 23rd in honor of the god apollo.That being said, most people use jul to refer to the week stretching from christmas eve to new year's eve.
All participate in lighting either the bonfire or large central candle.You'll see bonfires during sankthansaften and many danes will toss twig and cloth effigies of a witch into the fire.The sun never sets for months at a time during the long scandinavian summer.The sun lives in me until then..#summer #summervibes #summertime #summersolstice #spirituality #astrology #astronomy #summer2022 #.
You have probably heard about it, the famous swedish midsummer celebration taking place every year on the first friday after the summer solstice.Like in finland and norway, this is to make sure that evil spirits are kept away.It is also a christian holiday, with the feast of saint john.