Is it normal to randomly laugh
Laughing by yourself for no reason is associated with many mental conditions, such as hypomania, mania and schizophrenia.The urge is so strong that i can't keep from smiling.Unexplained laughing could also be due to the pba.Unless of course, that thing is not real or you are talking to imaginary people.After all laughter is contagious.
I'm not a total stick, i am capable of laughter at times.It is only normal if it is because of:I know that when you meditate this is perfectly normal, but this happens when i am basically doing nothing sometimes.When you're friends comment you laugh a lot it's a kind way of saying it's unnecessary and becoming predictable.My guess is that when you allow a feeling to come to the surface — even though it is a positive emotion of happiness and laughing — you open the floodgates and your pent up emotions coming.
I'm not sure about laughter but a lot of the same stuff happens in the body when you get freaked or laugh so could be totally normal.Laughing is not really a social behavior, you laugh when you find something funny.Some other possible causes include:Ok, going strictly medical/scientific here, there are several conditions that fits of laughter are a symptom, but you said you are laughing at something funny, then suddenly stop.Its not abnormal to laugh if you find something funny alone.
You are doing good than most of the frustrated population of our country because you are at peace with yourself.