Is pleasure or happiness all that matters
These are totally different views.What matters for him is what people.For many, happiness is good food, a good movie, an iwatch, or a salary raise.The paradox of hedonism people who try hard to be happy often end up failing.Hedonism about happiness has an obvious appeal.
Wikipedia says hedonism is about pleasure and happiness.The problem with interpreting these is that advantage, pleasure, good, or happiness do not really come to the same thing.You are better off doing something meaningful with your life.So i don't think pleasure is necessary for happiness.While the perfect happiness of enlightenment may be hard to achieve, and even harder to maintain, happiness is not an either /or case.
According to bentham, pleasure and pain govern not only how human beings act but also how human beings ought to act.I thought that the philosophy that happiness is all that matters was called hedonism.According to hedonism, happiness gained from evil deeds can improve our lives just as much as happiness that comes from.At the very least, it is clear that advantage and pleasure do not come to the same thing, and which (if either) of these good and happiness are is part of what's at dispute.You are saying that pleasure is all that ultimately is good for us.
He also advised against too much introspection in matters of happiness, saying:Happiness generally sticks around for longer than a few moments at a time, whereas pleasure can come and go in seconds (paul, 2015).