What is the main claim of philosophical skepticism
Local skepticism involves being skeptical about particular areas of knowledge (e.g.The philosopher working on an ethical problem sees his activity as purposeful in itself, and the history of the practice of no more importance than the history of medicine to a doctor.Much of epistemology has arisen either in defense of, or in opposition to, various forms of skepticism.Skeptics argue that belief in something does not justify an assertion of knowledge of it.Moral skepticism, skepticism about the external world, or skepticism about other minds), whereas radical skepticism claims that one cannot know anything—including that one.
(28) review philosophical skepticism from wikipedia.We should distinguish such skepticism from the ordinary kind, the claim that we do not know propositions which we would gladly grant not to know.Philosophical skepticism begins with the claim that the skeptic currently does have knowledge.By being able to question every conceivable idea, including assumptions and known truths, s.Philosophically interesting forms of skepticism claim that we do not know propositions which we ordinarily think we do know.
A set of claims about the limitations of human knowledge and the proper response to such limitations.Philosophical skepticism begins with the claim that one currently lacks knowledge.In philosophy, rationalism is the epistemological view that regards reason as the chief source and test of knowledge or any view appealing to reason as a source of knowledge or justification.(lecture material) skeptics accept that the criteria for knowledge is justified true belief.